
Sharnylian Reckoning: Thursday, High Sun 26, 1003

Welcome to Sharnyl.net. This site has gone over several incarnations over the past couple of years, and finally, it is back to its original purpose. A site that offers both role-playing as well as discussion, primarily in the medieval fantasy area. The name itself comes from the setting of the land that the RP is founded in, and the setting itself is still a work in progress that has been going on for over fifteen years. While there are always going to be similarities in fantasy settings, this setting is an original work and as such, it is limited to the things that are found within the setting.

As such, from a role-playing perspective, there are no lasers, guns, tanks, spaceships, etc. There are numerous other places on the net where such things are allowed. This is not one of them. And while this site is more geared towards a medieval setting as far as RP goes, the OOC discussions are generally limitless.

For those of you that might wonder why nothing at all beyond the front page is visible to you, it’s quite simple. One must have a registered account here in order to view the majority of this site and its contents. There are several reasons for this, but the main reason is quite simple. A lot of hard work has been put into the creation of the setting, which as stated before, is still a work in progress. As such, it is quite easy for people to surf the web, find things they like and then pawn them off as their own.

The other reason is due to bots and other harvesters that serve generally the same purpose, posting stuff all over the web through their search engines. Frankly, I don’t want the stuff from this site being spread everywhere. One might think that limiting that would keep numbers down. I’ve never cared for having large amounts of people at any of my boards. What I want is quality people.

As such, the Admins are quite adamant about active members. Those persons who register and never come back will have their accounts deleted. Plain and simple. Now, this is not to say that if someone is gone for a week that they’re account will be gone. This is more for those who register and after several days, still haven’t checked the site. Admins know when people are and aren’t here. It’s nothing personal, mind you. We just don’t tolerate dead weight.

For those of you that are interested in the medieval fantasy genre of role-play, I welcome you to the site. Either of the Admins are more than happy to answer questions that you might have, and the forums can also serve as a place to ask questions or strike up discussion.

–Marek Swiftblade, Sharnyl founder