
*The Higher Powers*

Klarian Silversword * — The God of Nobility and Order, Duty and Loyalty. Known as the True God, the Noble Warrior, and the Honorable Lord. Has a close relationship with Alystina. Hated enemy of Draynel. When Klarian travels the realm of Sharnyl, he is adorned in gleaming armor, made of pure platinum. A visored helm covers his face, his long blond hair falling out of it, onto his shoulders. His hands are gauntleted and a large pure silver bastard sword hangs at his side. Klarian is the Patron Deity of Paladins and Knights. He is aided by DaGrande, the God of Guardians.

Bolavar Strongaxe * — The God of War. Bolavar and Klarian work closely together. Is an enemy of Draynel, but more lenient towards him than Klarian. Bolavar is adorned in a similar fashion to Klarian, only Bolavar’s armor is darkened by years of fighting, stained black in places from battles. A large two-handed sword hangs across his back, the golden hilt reflecting any light that hits it. Bolavar is the Patron Deity of many fighters that do not follow the path of Klarian.

Cytheria * — The Goddess of Dawn. Cytheria is the bringer of new beginnings. She is called upon most commonly during the early months of the year when the weather warms up, as well as among women about ready to give birth. She appears on the realms in bright colors, mostly reflecting the sun. Rarely does she walk the land at any other time than during the early morning hours, unless something happens that deems to her intervene. She is the direct enemy of Maesa, the Goddess of Darkness and Night.

Tyranys * — The God of Chaos and Destruction. Opposes Klarian quite openly, disrupting Klarian’s plans for order. Tyranys takes many forms, none of them consistent with the previous one. As chaos runs rampant throughout the lands of Sharnyl, so does the variance in Tyranys’s appearance. He is aided by Asenath, the Goddess of Storms.

Zyrul * — The Lord of the Dead, The Keeper of Souls, the Reaper, the Harvester, and many other names lesser known to most commoners have described this god of the underworld. It is the duty of Zyrul to judge each spirit that is sent his way and send them to their correct afterlife homes. This god is formed from the souls in his service, never being truly substantial in form. In all appearances, he is wraith-like, his skin dark though still semi-transparent. Some say that his ‘skin’ moves, showing the most disturbing of sights, which include but are not limited to, faces contorted in fear and limbs flailing about wildly. While Zyrul remains neutral on most accounts, he is periodically aided by Arcades, the Thieflord’s followers keeping Zyrul’s realm filled.

Kirsynis * — The Goddess of Beauty and Love. When walking on Sharnyl, she takes the form of a beautiful crimson-haired woman with vivid green eyes. She is clothed in a full-length alabastar dress that gently lays on the top of crystalline shoes. Her body and face are without any blemishes or flaws. She is aided by Serina, the Goddess of Peace.

Draynel * — The God of Hatred and Strife. Closely linked with Zyrul and Oneth, Draynel is the god of all suffering, pain, and horror, and spares no one from his wrath and spread of torture. Hated enemy of Klarian. Takes the form of a decaying corpse clothed in a tattered red robe. His face is a skull, with yellow pinpoints for eyes. Anything he touches withers and dies. He is the most despised of the gods and enjoys this fact. The Blacklord is followed by many, and shares his powers openly with the servants of Azmiir, Lohgereth and Mazarak, whom aid him in turn.

Taslyn * — The God of Knowledge, the Recorder, the Great Librarian, the Great Scribe. Taslyn is the great keeper of Knowledge. He takes the form of a middle-aged man, clothed in a large brown robe, tied securely around his waste with a rope belt. His face is fair, but kind, his eyes showing the consequences of years of reading and scribing. The Great Librarian is aided by Darylis, the God of Poetry and Song, and Ren, the God of Literature.

Alystina * — The Goddess of Justice, the Lady of the Law, Lady Justice. Alystina and Klarian have a deep bond together, mostly in the fact that they equally despise Draynel. Alystina devotes most of her time in thwarting the plans of Arcades, as well as Draynel. She is a beautiful blonde woman with deep blue eyes, her hair flowing down the back of an elegant crimson dress. This is her normal appearance when she travels the lands. When she is forced to action, she will be adorned in deep grey full plate armor. A pure silver long sword hangs at her side, the hilt of pure gold with a ruby set in it. Like Klarian, Alystina is also oft times aided by DaGrande, the God of Guardians. Many female paladins offer homage to Alystina, rather than Klarian. Alystina holds an antagonistic relationship with Zyrul in that she always secures that the souls sent to his realm are treated fairly and justly.

Urdain * — The God of Nature, the Arch Druid. Urdain makes his home on the lands of Sharnyl, traveling through the forests and plains. He shows himself in many forms, only one of them being human. In his human form, he is clothed in a dark green tunic, dark brown pants, and a light brown cloak. He hair is blond and falls to his shoulders, seeming unkept to go with his constant roaming of the land. He never enters town limits, despising them for what they did to the land around them. He, like Elias, has no sworn enemies, only those who destroy the forests and lands of Sharnyl.

Illustria * — The Goddess of Magic. Illustria is the Sharnylian Goddess of Magic, granting the powers of the magical weave to those that would ask of it. As with some others, Illustria remains neutral on most matters that do not affect her directly, which means staying out of the ungoing battles between Klarian and Draynel, though she offers her assistance equally to both. One note of interest, is the fact that Illustria does not grant any manner of necromantic power. This is one thought that leaves wonder as to how long she can remain a Higher Power.

Maesa * — The Goddess of Darkness and Night. The Dark Goddess. The Nightbringer. Both names are synonymous with Maesa, who holds a good amount of power throughout the realm. She is the hated enemy of Cytheria, and oft times aids Draynel and his servants in the darker deeds.

Inaros — The God of the Wilderness. One of the few Higher Powers that does not hold a seat within the Circle. He shares a close partnership with Urdain, the Arch Druid, and the two work together often to keep the lands from being destroyed.

Flaeron — The Goddess of Fire. One of the four elemental deities.

Agenas — The God of Water. One of the four elemental deities.

Ragnath — The God of Earth. One of the four elemental deities.

Ilannia — The Goddess of Air. One of the four elemental deities.