
*Residents of Sharnyl*

The following characters are residents found within Sharnyl. The biographies and images for these characters can be found in our Gallery. An asterick ( * ) indicates the character is not played by a person. As Sharnyl grows in population, so will the census ^_^.

Marek SwiftbladeFae DragonheartChastain QuintAthena
Nikkiah WintermoonPreston LeCardeIllana LeCardeIlthanas Lanthalasa
Arahisie Silentwrath*Jerich Silentwrath*SyrenAlamar
CassandraDaerlayneY’sanne*VonLicht Family*
AvnerMoriahSableSasha Parmilod
KotaTaryn DraeTurgeon NightshadeValentine Silversword