

The Duchy of Kuld, name derived from the Sharnylian word for death only because the Lake of the Dead is in its center. Despite its name, this duchy holds the most nobility in all the land, including the capital city of Syrillon, home of King Winston Silversword. The size of the duchy is comparable to Dentonshire though about half of it is immersed beneath the Lake of the Dead.

Syrillon – The grand capital of Sharnyl, Syrillon is the home of King Silversword, as well as the main barracks for the Sharnylian Knights. Despite the level of nobility that dwells within the city, the lives of the people have become harder in the last year or so. King Silversword has slowly been losing his grip on life, death’s touch seeming to be only a few breaths away. When he passes on, the land will finally be divided into its duchies for good. Even with the division that is present now, King Winston Silversword has managed to keep all of the duchies to remain harmonious with each other. Even though his son, Valentyne, is well-known and respected by the citizens of Syrillon, he will not hold the same control as his father has. Troubled times, indeed, may plague the land in the coming years.