

Although the land of Sharnyl at one time was considered as one, it has since been divided out into smaller states, or duchies. King Winston Silversword still holds the title of ruler of Sharnyl, but he has seen most of his control being lost to others throughout the country. Rather than the one ruler of the land, there are now seven lords, one for each of the duchies in Sharnyl. When King Silversword passes on, it will make for more chances of war between the duchies, each of the lords wanting more for themselves.

In the farthest reaches of Sharnyl lies the Duchy of Morovia. The land itself is not a desirable one to live in, their ruler being the strictest of all the states. Although none of the duchies have gates or walls seperating them from each other, Morovia has a distinctness that seperates it from the rest in its own right. Although the land flourishes with growth, be it trees, grasslands, etc., there is one noticable difference in them. All are colored black. They are very much alive, they merely give the land a drab and dismal atmosphere with their color. So is life within the Duchy of Morovia.

The ruler has been rumored to be something of a necromancer, dealing with the darker sides of magic and life. Whether he is as they say or simply has been given a bad reputation by his vassals is not entirely known yet. There are other rumors that he is of the descent of Draynel. If this is the case, the former could likely be true as well since Draynel himself was powerful in the ways of the dark magics. It is for these reasons that those under his rule rarely, if ever, betray him or disobey his orders.

The lord of Morovia, Duuk Sabban, lives within the confines of his great castle in the Olac Mountains, overlooking the city of Cardia. If the mere size of Mordent Keep were not enough to deter passersby from stopping there, the sounds that emerged from within its walls at night surely would be. Of course, the road that ran past the keep was not the best for travel, but that was not normally the deciding factor in staying clear of the castle. Fear of the lord that dwelled within it took precedence.

“Ah yes…I have seen it all. The grassy plains, dense forests, magestic snow-capped mountains, crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches. The land of Sharnyl. As with any other realm throughout the realms, it has its finer points as well as its more dismal aspects. From the grandest city of Syrillon to the lowly cities of Chyrne and Dagger Falls, Sharnyl has all that you can ask for, and a bit more.

“What exactly should I tell a traveler such as yourself? I suppose it would be best to start with the basics. The land of Sharnyl is independent of all other lands, though it is connected via portals to several. There is a place for everyone, for the land is rich with opportunity, if ye are just patient enough to find it.

“I’m sure you have many questions…most of them pertaining to places to visit, things to do, people to meet…Well, I can help you with the places to go, however, the rest is entirely up to you.”

–Darylis, Bard of Lyrnbo

Other Cities in Morovia …

Cardia – Little more than a mining city, nestled at the base of the Olac Mountains and overlooked by Mordent Keep. It is this city that provides the Lord of Morovia with the main source of his income through heavy taxation of the land. The citizens of Cardia obey his every word, more for fear of their lives than of actual respect for their lord.

Chulta`Kyn – Nestled within the confines of the Dead Woods, Chulta`Kyn is the second largest city in the duchy of Morovia. Chulta`Kyn is closest to Korbart and thus is the main station for defense against them, or for sending off attacks against the Knights of the North. The burgomaster of the city has a very close relationship with Lord Sannath and is respected and feared equally as much by his subjects.

Thrun`Kahl – Morovia’s port city and the northern harbor on the Endless Sea. It is the home of most raiding parties on the Western half of Sharnyl, though not quite as unruly as the city of Dagger Falls.

Other cities in Morovia: Ilth`Kanan, Kharmen.